Our licensed Realtor will help you find a lot that is perfect for the type of home you want to build and area you want to live in.
We’ll visit you there and learn about your goals, ambitions, and wish list for your property. By the end of our visit, we will be able to recommend a go forward plan that will be able to put the wheels in motion.
Once permits have been granted, we’ll begin demolition/excavation and finally building your dream house with clear and consistent updates on your homes progress and budget through a combination of an easy-to-use app and periodic check-ins.
We hand the keys over to your energy star rated home with Tarion warranty, and check-in periodically to ensure the home continues to live up to your standards and ours.
We have a network of professionals to help you achieve your goals. Not sure how to finance your dream home? We can refer professionals that will structure a tailor-made solution for you.